Friday Nov 12, 2021
Episode 32 - Sam Reynolds - Dude where‘s my car? Microchips, Crypto and who knows what supply chain is anyway.

This week The Pack is joined by returning champion Sam Reynolds (On Twitter @thesamreynolds & @blockworks), a journalist with Blockworks based in Taipei. With Blockworks he covers digital assets and institutional investors in the world’s most exciting economies.
Prior to Blockworks, he was an editor with Taipei-based Forkast News, where he covered blockchain throughout Asia. Sam also contributes to Wccftech, one of the largest technology news websites in the world.
Sam is The Pack's go-to guy when it comes to questions on Crypto and the Microsemi industry. We dig into how microchips are being made, who the major players are, what is causing the bottleneck, what are the threats and when we will see a change. We also touch on crypto and how microchip manufacturers and miners have a frenemies-type relationship. It all gets wrapped up with some basic rationale of why the supply chain isn't helping anyone. - Understand the crypto markets in just 5 minutes.